OUTbio Mentoring Program
Deepening professional networks by sharing experience
In July 2021, OUTbio launched its mentorship program, to further the organization’s mission of empowering LGBTQ professionals in biotech. By building connections and sharing knowledge across generations, we create a stronger community, help our members work towards their career goals, and create a new generation of mentors.
The program’s design and roll-out were built on survey data collected from OUTbio membership about needs and preferences regarding a mentoring program and were further informed by external professional advisors. Approximately 15 pairs of mentors & mentees were introduced by the end of 2021. The experience ranged from people just entering the workforce to late-career senior executives in various geographies.
LGBTQ biotech professionals looking to be a mentor or mentee can express interest in the program by emailing mentorprogram@outbio.org and sharing their background/LinkedIn profile, nature of their interest (mentorship/mentorship, with any particular focus and/or career aspirations), and any other pertinent information.